Hormone therapy Matthews, NC

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy, also known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or hrt, is the medical treatment of hormonal imbalances using medications containing hormones. It is most commonly used to treat symptoms associated with menopause in women and andropause, or "male menopause", in men.

Hormone therapy helps restore optimal levels of key hormones in the body like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Maintaining proper hormonal balance is essential for overall health and vitality. As we age, hormone production declines which can lead to undesirable symptoms. Hormone therapy provides safe, effective relief.

At The Hormone Hub, we offer advanced bioidentical hormone therapy customized to your unique needs. Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as those made naturally in the body, unlike synthetic versions. This allows for better absorption and more natural action.

Candidates for Hormone Replacement

The following individuals may benefit from hormone therapy:

The Hormone Hub provides compassionate care for transgender hormone therapy and gender transition needs. Our clinicians help patients achieve their desired physical changes in a safe, monitored environment.

Our services

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Benefits of Hormone Replacement

Restoring hormones to optimal levels provides numerous benefits:

Balanced hormones are key to looking and feeling your best at any age. The expert physicians at The Hormone Hub develop customized plans to help you realize your goals with hormone therapy.

The Hormone Hub Approach to Treatment

The Hormone Hub provides comprehensive hormone replacement designed around your unique needs. Our step-by-step process includes:

The Hormone Hub offers cutting edge hormone testing right on-site for your convenience. We also provide nutritional support, prescription medications and lifestyle counseling to maximize the benefits of therapy.

Our integrative approach combines the latest advancements with attentive, individualized care. We develop trusted partnerships with patients to enhance vitality and quality of life through hormone optimization.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy has been shown to improve quality of life for transgender individuals. According to a 2016 study, access to hormone therapy was associated with lower rates of anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation in this population. Though not without risks, hormone therapy allows many transgender people to align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

What to Expect With Hormone Therapy

The process and protocols will vary based on your symptoms, test results and treatment goals. Here is a look at what to expect at the different stages:

Initial consultation - Your provider will ask about your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle and goals. Be ready to discuss any issues or concerns openly so we can best address your needs. We will also perform lab testing to check baseline hormone levels.

Test results evaluation - Based on your lab panel, clinical evaluation and goals, your provider will recommend a customized hormone regimen. This may include estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA or other bioidentical hormones to restore optimal balance.

Treatment initiation - We will provide all hormones, medications and supplies needed along with clear instructions on dosing and methods of administration. Most patients are started on low doses that are gradually adjusted over time based on follow-up testing.

Follow-up monitoring - Return visits are scheduled at regular intervals to evaluate your progress, perform bloodwork, adjust medications and ensure you are getting the full benefits of therapy. Most patients start feeling better soon after beginning treatment.

Maintenance - Your provider will determine the optimal long-term management plan to keep your hormones balanced and relief sustained. This may include oral or topical medications, pellets, patches, gels, creams, injections or other delivery methods tailored to your needs. We adjust protocols over time as needed while monitoring your labs and symptoms. Ongoing maintenance therapy helps sustain peak vitality, health and quality of life.

The Hormone Hub will walk with you through every step of the hormone optimization process. We look forward to helping you look and feel your absolute best. Please

Discover the benefits of hormone therapy today!

Hormone Therapy for Men

Male hormone therapy corrects testosterone deficiency and related symptoms in men. Also known as low T treatment, it can provide transformative relief.

Testosterone levels peak in the late teens to early 20s. After age 30, they decline by about 1% per year. Up to 40% of men over 45 have low testosterone (low T) along with troublesome symptoms that impact quality of life.

Regulating testosterone restores masculine vitality on multiple levels:

Sex drive, function and performance - Testosterone fuels libido and modulates sexual function. Low T is linked to reduced sex drive (low libido) and erectile dysfunction (ED). Normalizing testosterone levels alleviates these issues to restore satisfaction.

Energy, strength and stamina - Optimal testosterone promotes energy production, lean muscle growth and strength. Low T saps vigor and contributes to fatigue. Testosterone therapy reinstates youthful energy levels.

Mood, cognition and confidence - Testosterone is a powerful mood enhancer and stimulates competitiveness and dominance. Low T can manifest as depression, lack of motivation and reduced self-assurance. Balanced testosterone improves mood, mental clarity and confidence.

Metabolism and body composition - Testosterone builds muscle mass and enhances metabolic function. Declining levels are associated with weight gain, reduced muscle tone and increased body fat. Testosterone optimization promotes healthy body composition and metabolism.

Bone health - Testosterone promotes bone density and strength. Deficiency leads to accelerated bone loss and higher fracture risk. Optimizing testosterone strengthens bones.

Cardiovascular health - Low testosterone correlated to heart disease risk. Managing levels reduces risk factors like high blood pressure and arterial plaque buildup.

If low T symptoms are diminishing your vitality and quality of life, The Hormone Hub can help. We offer advanced hormone testing and proven treatment plans tailored to your needs. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Hormone Therapy for Women

The Hormone Hub provides bioidentical hormone replacement for women to relieve menopause symptoms and support better health during perimenopause and postmenopause.

Perimenopause is the 2-10 year transition phase leading up to menopause. Fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels during this stage can cause irregular periods, hot flashes, sleep disruption, and mood changes. Perimenopausal hormone therapy relieves these symptoms.

Menopause is reached when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months and no longer ovulates. Plummeting estrogen during menopause leads to symptoms like:

Postmenopause describes the stage after menopause. Hormone changes continue to manifest as symptoms that impair quality of life. Ongoing management is often needed to provide sustained relief.

Hormone therapy replaces depleted estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to effectively remedy troublesome menopausal symptoms. Custom-compounded bioidentical hormone therapy is the most natural option for balancing hormones based on your individual needs.

In addition to symptom relief, balanced hormone levels provide important health benefits:

The expert physicians at The Hormone Hub specialize in safe, effective bioidentical hormone replacement for women. Call today to restore your vitality, health and womanhood.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Better Hormone Health

Hormone therapy provides tremendous benefits, especially when combined with a proactive healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to maximize your hormone health and vitality:

Relaxation resources in the Matthews area:

Fitness centers providing exercise options:

The Hormone Hub provides comprehensive hormone replacement combined with lifestyle counseling to help you look and feel your best. Contact us today to learn more and get started on individualized treatment.

The Hormone Hub: Charlotte's Premier Hormone Clinic

The Hormone Hub offers Charlotte area residents unparalleled expertise in hormone testing and replacement therapy protocols designed for your unique needs.

What sets us apart:

The Hormone Hub offers Charlotte's premier hormone replacement services for men and women. If you are seeking expert solutions, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to serving you.


Hormone imbalances can develop at any age leading to undesirable symptoms that impact health and vitality. Through advanced testing and personalized treatment protocols using bioidentical hormones, the specialists at The Hormone Hub can identify and correct deficiencies.

If you are experiencing low energy, sexual dysfunction, hot flashes, muscle loss, mood issues or other hormone-related problems, we encourage you to reach out. The Hormone Hub provides Charlotte's most trusted medical hormone therapy to help you look and feel your best.

To schedule a consultation and lab testing, please call 704-123-4567 or

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